Export file name | Description |
/T1_coronal_thumbnail.png' | MRI Reference Image - Coronal |
/T1_axial_thumbnail.png' | MRI Reference Image - Axial |
/T1_sagittal_thumbnail.png' | MRI Reference Image - Sagittal |
/Connectomic/bold_img_clean.nii.gz' | BOLD scan after pre-processing (motion correction, noise removal, normalisation) |
/Connectomic/fitted/laterality_connectome_fitted.csv' | Laterality scores (whether network function is dominated by left or right hemisphere) - Fitted Atlas |
/Connectomic/fitted/reindex_output_fitted_full_ordered_csv.zip' | Functional connectomics - Overall + network level - Fitted atlas |
/Connectomic/fitted/reindex_output_fitted.zip' | Functional connectomics - Overall + network level - Fitted atlas |
/Connectomic/fitted/classifier_df_fitted.csv' | Mental illness classification scores - Fitted Atlas |
/Connectomic/conservative/reindex_output_conservative.zip' | Functional connectomics - Overall + network level - Structural connectivity atlas |
/Connectomic/conservative/classifier_df_conservative.csv' | Mental illness classification scores - Structural connectivity atlas |
/Connectomic/conservative/laterality_connectome_conservative.csv' | Laterality scores (whether network function is dominated by left or right hemisphere) - Structural connectivity atlas |
/Connectomic/conservative/reindex_output_conservative_full_ordered_csv.zip' | Functional connectomics - Overall + network level - Structural connectivity atlas |
/Input/input_dwi.nii.gz' | Inputted DWI |
/Input/input_dwi.nii' | Inputted DWI |
/Input/input_bvec.bvec' | Inputted DWI gradient direction values |
/Input/input_bold.nii.gz' | Inputted BOLD |
/Input/input_t1.nii.gz' | T1 Anatomical Input |
/Input/input_bval.bval' | DWI field strength values |
/Graph/graph_output_zip.zip' | Graph outputs and scores |
/Atlas/t1_tracts_mini.trk' | Small extract of CSD Tractography in T1 Anatomical world space |
/Atlas/atlas_reindex_bundle.zip' | NIFTI files for every parcellation |
/Atlas/T1.nii.gz' | T1 Anatomical Scan (Skull stripped) |
/Atlas/T1.nii' | T1 Anatomical Scan (Skull stripped) |
/Atlas/t1_tracts.trk' | CSD Tractography in T1 Anatomical world space |
/Atlas/liberal/t1_atlas_liberal.nii.gz' | Structural connectivity atlas |
/Atlas/liberal/parcellations_liberal.vtp' | Structural connectivity atlas |
/Atlas/liberal/missing_parcellations_output_liberal.csv' | List of missing parcellations in liberal atlas |
/Atlas/fitted/missing_parcellations_output_fitted.csv' | List of missing parcellations in fitted atlas |
/Atlas/fitted/t1_atlas_fitted.nii.gz' | Fitted atlas |
/Atlas/fitted/parcellations_fitted.vtp' | Fitted atlas |
/Atlas/conservative/missing_parcellations_output_conservative.csv' | List of missing parcellations in structural connectivity atlas |
/Atlas/conservative/parcellations_conservative.vtp' | Conservative atlas |
/Atlas/conservative/t1_atlas_conservative.nii.gz' | Conservative atlas |
This product is not a medical device. It is not intended for use in the diagnosis of disease or other conditions, or in the cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of disease. This product is to be used for research only.
Copyright © 2021 Omniscient Neurotechnology Pty. All rights reserved.